abeMeda Sample Use - Advertising Agency

A large number of well-known advertising agencies already use neoFinder in their daily business.

They usually finish a project for a specific customer, and then burn the whole project data on two DVD-ROMs. One of them goes into a safe storage, while the other is accessible in a specific archive location or office.

network logo
That DVD is then catalogued with abeMeda. As a copy of abeMeda (or neoFinder for Mac) is installed on every computer in the agency network, and the catalog database is stored on the central file server for access by everyone (read more about how to configure that), every single user can quickly search the entire database for certain project files.

Since abeMeda understands a host of meta data that is catalogued for every single file and folder, searching a specific item can be done very efficiently, such as by a date, or the size of a folder, or of course by name. When it comes to photo files, abeMeda even stores a thumbnail and meta data such as the color depth of a photo, or the size (and a lot more, such as EXIF and IPTC data).

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So questions like: "Where is that graphics file we had used last year in the ad of customer xyz, and quickly!" can be quickly answered by using abeMeda!