abeMeda 6 is finally here!
12 December 2011 Placed in:
After more than two years of hard
work, I can finally present you abeMeda 6!
abeMeda 6 is a major new release, building on the foundation that
made CDWinder great! With a new integrated interface, faster
cataloging with CrashGuard, better and even faster Find, much more
capable and editable Inspector, AutoUpdate for catalogs, support
for PDF thumbnails and content, massively improved AudioCD support
and numerous functional and interface enhancements it takes media
management to a new level!
Check out the
amazing new features,
download your
trial version and see what abeMeda can do for you! We’ll also
be adding new content and some brand new video tutorials very soon,
so stay tuned!
Customers who purchased CDWinder 5.7 since April 2010 can receive
this update for free as promised, and users of older versions can
acquire an
update for a small fee.